Tuesday, October 20, 2009

You just don't understand me! Well guess what you don't either!

Why is it that when a guy tries really hard and chases you for a long time like 7 years and then they finally get you to a point where u are like u know what maybe this could work maybe I do like you maybe we should try this out and you give them a chance and decide you like them then u decide you love them. All of a sudden you aren't worth the chase anymore it feels like they only want you when they can't have you or they only want you when u don't want them and when you want them they kinda get over trying to make you happy or impressing you or trying to get you. That is so annoying! Also why is it that when you say something to a guy (this is mostly for 30 year old guys and older) and you get upset at something they say or something they are or are not doing for you they always play the "you don't understand me" card which is the whole spill about you need to understand me u need to understand my situation my life is different...bla bla bla SORRY BUT ALL that is BULL. When is it your damn turn to understand me??? When will u understand me? thats what I want to know! Why is it that everytime I'm upset its me not understanding you there is no possibility that you are not understanding me? Or better yet can't it just be that YOU ARE WRONG! hmm there is something to think about... maybe its because u could be wrong! and YOU ARE! ... UNDERSTAND THAT WHY DON'T YOU!????????!!!!!!!!!!!!